I’m pretty sure that there are good options out there such as Medium, Wordpress and LinkedIn, but I feel like the GitHub pages are more personal, it’s like to code without coding because you can just open your favorite text editor like Vim, IntelliJ or Visual Code (like me) and start typing.

It’s very easy to have an account on any of those services but, let’s face it, there are too many options when it comes to blogging and stuff and sometimes it’s confusing, also maintto maintain all those accounts updated is consuming. As a developer, git is our day to day tool and with github pages we’re one step away from our blog and we don’t even need to be online, we can just open a new branch.

Languages and Opinions

I suppose because this is my personal github repository I can express myself as I want and share my toughs without the fear of being banned or something. I’m not saying that I’m going be writing about crazy shit, what I want to say is I don’t need to pretend in order to project a “pro” image of myself, I just need to code and write.

So… this is why I prefer a github page.